Frequently Asked Questions about Colon Hydrotherapy
Why Colon Hydrotherapy?
A healthy colon is essential to a healthy body. Conventional diets comprised of refined, processed foods, high in saturated fats, and low in fiber contribute to many problems associated with the large intestine. The elimination of undigested food material and other waste products are as important as the digestion and assimilation of food. Waste material remaining stagnant in the colon results in the decomposition of these substances and increased bacteria and resulting toxins.
According to the American Cancer Society:
• It is estimated; over 70 million Americans suffer from bowel problems.
• Colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the U.S. and over 150,000 Americans die annually
from this disease.
• 100,000 people undergo colostomies in the U.S. per year.
• Many people who aren't even aware they have a bowel problem are often in the worst condition of all.
Will one session completely empty the colon?
No, many of us have ten or more pounds of impacted feces in our colon. This is hardened, rubbery material known as plaque; substantial work must be done to remove it. An initial series of between three to six treatments is recommended, depending on your past and current habits which should be discussed with your therapist. Years of improper nutrition cannot possibly be reversed in a few treatments. More treatments may be required in cases of chronic constipation, sluggish colon, involvement in a detox program, cleansing seasonally, working on cleansing your body of specific toxins, high stress situations (e.g., extended travel) or just maintenance. Again, specific plans should be discussed in depth to achieve your optimal colon health and personal goals safety.
Are there any side effects to colon hydrotherapy?
There are none. It is not uncommon to feel lighter and some say they have a sense of clarity. Also, in many cases people feel totally energized. How you will feel is a very individual experience, no two people are the same or have the same results. A clean colon lightens the burden on other organs that eliminate waste and poisons! If someone has a history of poor eating habits and chronic constipation, you may need to have your sessions booked close together in order to loosen old waste and avoid feeling toxic after your session.
What if I am already eliminating properly?
Even if you are eliminating properly colonics can be used as a preventative health measure. With a fast food restaurant on every corner and preservatives additives and hormones in many foods, there is no wonder why colon cancer is on the rise. Your colon may be irritated by diet, stress, drugs, chemicals, and other substances. These substances induce mucous production as a protective mechanism in the colon. This extra mucus can bind with the sludge from refined foods and leave behind accumulated residue on the colon. Due to the poor quality of foods, the digestive system is overburdened without our knowledge.
Can I become dependent on colonics?
No. Colonics actually help tone the colon and improve peristalsis. It is like a gentle exercise for the colon, which I refer to as 'Aqua Aerobics' for the colon!
Why Colon Hydrotherapy?
A healthy colon is essential to a healthy body. Conventional diets comprised of refined, processed foods, high in saturated fats, and low in fiber contribute to many problems associated with the large intestine. The elimination of undigested food material and other waste products are as important as the digestion and assimilation of food. Waste material remaining stagnant in the colon results in the decomposition of these substances and increased bacteria and resulting toxins.
According to the American Cancer Society:
• It is estimated; over 70 million Americans suffer from bowel problems.
• Colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the U.S. and over 150,000 Americans die annually
from this disease.
• 100,000 people undergo colostomies in the U.S. per year.
• Many people who aren't even aware they have a bowel problem are often in the worst condition of all.
Will one session completely empty the colon?
No, many of us have ten or more pounds of impacted feces in our colon. This is hardened, rubbery material known as plaque; substantial work must be done to remove it. An initial series of between three to six treatments is recommended, depending on your past and current habits which should be discussed with your therapist. Years of improper nutrition cannot possibly be reversed in a few treatments. More treatments may be required in cases of chronic constipation, sluggish colon, involvement in a detox program, cleansing seasonally, working on cleansing your body of specific toxins, high stress situations (e.g., extended travel) or just maintenance. Again, specific plans should be discussed in depth to achieve your optimal colon health and personal goals safety.
Are there any side effects to colon hydrotherapy?
There are none. It is not uncommon to feel lighter and some say they have a sense of clarity. Also, in many cases people feel totally energized. How you will feel is a very individual experience, no two people are the same or have the same results. A clean colon lightens the burden on other organs that eliminate waste and poisons! If someone has a history of poor eating habits and chronic constipation, you may need to have your sessions booked close together in order to loosen old waste and avoid feeling toxic after your session.
What if I am already eliminating properly?
Even if you are eliminating properly colonics can be used as a preventative health measure. With a fast food restaurant on every corner and preservatives additives and hormones in many foods, there is no wonder why colon cancer is on the rise. Your colon may be irritated by diet, stress, drugs, chemicals, and other substances. These substances induce mucous production as a protective mechanism in the colon. This extra mucus can bind with the sludge from refined foods and leave behind accumulated residue on the colon. Due to the poor quality of foods, the digestive system is overburdened without our knowledge.
Can I become dependent on colonics?
No. Colonics actually help tone the colon and improve peristalsis. It is like a gentle exercise for the colon, which I refer to as 'Aqua Aerobics' for the colon!